Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Very Gray Morning

Clifton Forge, Virginia

Markus commented on all the gray in this morning's post. It's interesting how gray even a much broader view of the scene was.


Clifton Forge, Virginia

Monday, February 16, 2015


Covington, Virginia

I'd guess these two reference zodiac signs, but the reference is obscure. This is the entry to a long pedestrian underpass below railroad tracks.

This is about twenty yards into the tunnel, and pretty obscure as well.


Covington, Virginia

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Blind Embossed

Clifton Forge, Virginia

Winter Light in the Blue Ridge Mountains

Buena Vista, Virginia

Just after dawn, yesterday morning.

On Rt. 60 heading up to the Blue Ridge Parkway, I'd pulled over to check a possible view into the woods, and noticed what the GPS was showing. Lots of third gear, and even second on the hairpins.

Friday, February 06, 2015

Area Hotel Offers

Clear Brook, Virginia

Not much on offer...

Too busy with the workshop for any new shooting today or tomorrow, but I hope to explore new subjects up on the Blue Ridge and in some of the nearby towns and cities on Saturday.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

On the Road

Grantville, Pennsylvania

Long, dull, day driving I-84/I/81 from Connecticut to Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. Snow cover all the way to the edge of Maryland, but no traffic or weather problems on the way. Teaching a digital/platinum workshop in Lexington for two private students. Then also looking forward to shooting in this wonderful area.

But, it snowed overnight! The stuff is following me. I'll get a snap of the dogged white stuff when the sun comes up. Oops, nope, a trick of the bright moonlight on some pale decking and railings outside my window.

Fairfield, Virginia

Those hills to the east on the other side of I-81 are part of the Blue Ridge Mountains. They get pretty impressive when you get closer and find one of the roads leading up to the top of the ridge and the famous Blue Ridge Parkway. I could have had a much prettier drive yesterday by picking the BRP at the top and following it down to Lexington, but it would have stretched the nine-hour drive to much longer.