Thursday, November 19, 2015


Waterbury, Connecticut

It's been a Plymouth for a long, long, time, since about 1970. This compact car was called, seriously, a "Valiant" a title which, by now, this individual seems to have earned.


Edd Fuller said...

Carl, I like this--to me it has a bit of a George Tice vibe about it even though it is in (nicely muted color.

Carl Weese said...

Thanks, Edd. If would be quite easy to make a series of pictures in Waterbury that could be mistaken for Patterson, NJ. BTW, I grew up less than twenty miles from Patterson, though more than a decade after Tice.

John said...

Ah, you needed a red on to compliment the red scooter Tyler had on his post today! ;-)

Carl Weese said...

I guess we can assume that these modern scooters are much more efficient and immensely less polluting than a good old fashioned Vespa, but they just don't got no style, to my eye.