Wednesday, May 04, 2011


Waterbury, Connecticut


Edd Fuller said...

If a friend were to ask me for one picture that sums up what I like about Carl Weese's photography, this example would do nicely.

lyle said...

only photography can do this: beautiful tones, strong graphics, and absolutely no clue to what is going on.....wonderful

Carl Weese said...

Edd and Lyle,

I never know which pictures people will react to on WP. But quite often it's a picture that I like without knowing why. One that could easily be lost in editing, since "why" is a fairly significant selection factor. This is a perfect example. I loved the sign, but don't want to make pictures that are simply of signs. So more had to happen for a picture to work, and I found the place to stand where some extra value got added.

lyle said...

i have been thinking lately that photography is a statement about place; art is a statement about time (our time). either is valid, one neither more nor less than the other. and when you have both, as i think this photo represents, than you have something special and the 'why' just doesn't have to be answered.