Thursday, June 30, 2011


Tyringham, Massachusetts

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Anonymous said...

Fine iuxtaposition of the fence's straight lines against the grass. Works well for me.

Don and Sher said...

Sign sign

And the sign said anybody caught trespassin' would be shot on sight

Anonymous said...

That "no trespassin'" is something my European mind always forgets. Yes, that makes a somewhat leaden atmosphere...

Carl Weese said...

Well, this beautiful open land is owned by "gentleman farmers" who get drastically reduced property tax rates for keeping the land "agricultural." The electric fence is there to control cattle. I'd guess part of the field is being raised as a crop of hay for harvest while another part will be, or has already been, used for grazing. The warning sign is to keep tourists from getting zapped, as I doubt the young beefs can read it.