Friday, February 04, 2011

Freedom Park

Danbury, Connecticut

Yesterday we had to get out and take advantage of one snowless day to get to a motor vehicle office to renew Tina's driver's license before deadline. As we neared the office I spotted this weird little park and walked back to have a look while she was having her renewal processed.

Danbury, Connecticut


lyle said...

text in photographs? Current example: case closed! marvelous

Carl Weese said...

Lyle, I think it's the tattered flag that does it. Didn't there used to be a whole protocol about flying the flag? Raised at sunrise, taken down at sunset, not just left up all the time. Never flown in the rain, return it when it becomes worn to a place where it will be incinerated in an elaborate ceremony, etc. etc. It seems the flag wavers have co-opted the whole operation without having any respect for the actual traditions.