Something new and different—magazines printed with MagCloud.
Last fall I set myself a project of creating a series of photo collections tailored to fit the MagCloud print-on-demand magazine medium. I had several projects in mind, beginning with what I've called my "Off Topic" pictures made on my 2012 Giant Drive-in Theater Road Trip. There was nothing casual about the Off Topic pictures. I thought it was essential for me to take every opportunity to make the sort of pictures I post here in all the new-to-me places I might wind up while chasing the DI theaters. Just doing the primary project without looking up to breathe never seemed like a good idea.
Turns out, I like the Off Topic pictures as much as the primary project.
This past summer I was designing a personal project (a large PDF album for a fifty year reunion of a scholarship group) and decided to check out MagCloud for the first time in several years. I learned that, unlike a few years ago, I could work directly with InDesign and produce my own design, not limited to pre-designed templates. So I did one and ordered a copy as a proof. Of course it doesn't look like digital prints from one of my photo quality printers, but it conveys a solid representation of what my intent was for the pictures and offers a lot of good reproductions for very little money. The magazine format also lets me sequence the pictures and lay them out in ways that I hope let them enhance and reinforce each other. I made and ordered proof copies of a couple more issues and have studied and evaluated them off and on over several months. Now I've decided to activate the MagCloud sales mechanism and make the 'Zines available.

You can view the projects at the links below, and decide if you're interested. You can buy a print magazine with a free digital version for all your devises or just buy the digital. Of course, if you fall in love with one of the pictures, you could contact me to buy a full tilt print.
Here are the links to the product pages at MagCloud:
Off Topic: Cross Country, 2012
Off Topic: Pennsylvania, 2007-2008
Off Topic: VA/WV, 2015-16
All three in the "collection" should show at each link. I've found that MagCloud's packaging of the magazines is well designed and protective, and with my test orders I found that when ordering more than one they bundled them into a single package for less total shipping cost than getting one at a time. However, last I checked international shipping was prohibitively expensive.