Joel Johnson, a long-haul trucker at home one recent Sunday afternoon. He's with his dog ("she's been all over the country" with him) and his big rig semi-tractor. He's having new text applied under the flag on the back of the cab: TAKING AMERICA BACK ONE TRUCK AT A TIME.
So, he drives his truck all over the country and no one has ever told him that the word is spelled "dying"?
I assume the "MC" after the name stands for motorcycle club. Can none of them spell?
One wonders...
I'd wondered if MC stood for Marine Corps, but Motorcycle Club could well be it. I ran a couple searches on "dieing breed" to see if I could turn it up as an alternate or specific usage, but no luck.
He actually spelled Dying that way on purpose and the MC stands for Motor Carrier....
Is "Motor Carrier" a formal term for truck or truck driver? A quick search shows agencies that regulate intra- and inter-state trucking use the term, and there's a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
Is there a connection to the non-standard spelling? As mentioned, I tried to locate "dieing breed" as an alternate usage but didn't turn up anything helpful.
Carl -
really not sure about motor carrier being formal or just a trucker thing! I'd have to ask him!
no meaning to the word "dieing" either - just wanted it to be a little different! Truckers, like farmers, seem to be a "dying breed" in this country - he just decided to spell it that way. typical non conforming trucker!!
Well, thanks for the explanation. BTW, I made a couple of prints of the pictures for him--I'll drop them off on the porch the next time I go through Torrington.
now that i think about it, i believe he is a "motor carrier". anyway, look forward to the prints! thanks so much!
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