Thursday, April 21, 2011

Public School

East Chatham, New York


Martina said...

I wonder how this photo would work in summer? With everything green and a blue sky.
In this colour palette it appears melancholic, if not even depressing.
Did someone put the red thingie there to make it a little bit more cheerful?
You get the point - this photo makes me thinking, ;-)

Carl Weese said...

The subject is a bit melancholic, this being one of many school buildings that are now vacant, or sometimes repurposed, with the falling school age populations in the northeastern states. My guess is this school has been used for something else after ending its original career, but seems unused now. The red thing is a reflector, probably placed there to protect the little shrub from being whacked by someone plowing or shoveling snow. Even though it seems to be vacant, someone is maintaining the grounds so the building isn't derelict.