Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Walk in Waterbury, Part One

Waterbury, Connecticut

Plastic bottles are everywhere.

Construction and restoration work on St. Anne's church makes for pretty strange looking black shrouded towers, plus an exoskeleton of scaffolding.

Latin market across from the church.

Derelict building just down the block from the busy market.


Taken For Granted said...

Karl, thank you for letting us tag along on your walk. Plastic water bottles are a plague on the planet.

Markus said...

The Latin Market is clearly my favourite here, Carl. Wonderful main subject and enough details included to keep the eye wandering for a while.

Carl Weese said...

TFG, the kicker is that so many of them are for water! As though there were vast areas of this country where there's no safe tap water available...

Markus, thanks, the market certainly has a strong color sense.