Sunday, January 28, 2024

Ice, Rocks, and Water


Southbury, Connecticut


James Weekes said...

Cold. But lovely.

Carl Weese said...

Thanks, James. It was indeed cold. Also the ground was too slippery for me to get down to the water level for closer work.

Markus said...

Very fine, Carl. The greys of rock, ice and water are similar enough to almost visually blend into another, which creates an interesting task for the brain.

Carl Weese said...

Thanks Markus. That similarity of tone was actually difficult to deal with. A lot of shots failed to resolve those similar tones into a coherent pattern of shapes. I was glad to get a few successful pictures.

Markus said...

Certainly a challenge, but as it was mastered, the result is worth it. The first image reminded me a bit of that famous image of Anasazi ruins in Cliff Pallace