Monday, November 15, 2010

Athletic Field Rules

Winsted, Connecticut

A whole lot of "no." As always, you can click on the picture to see a larger and more legible version.


Martina said...

As always (or: as so often ;-)) I am at a loss: no night crawling? no metal detectors?

Markus Spring said...

Reassuring in a certain way. I always thought those "It is forbidden" signs were a German specialty.

Carl Weese said...

Martina, "night crawlers" are a kind of worm used as bait for fishing. Metal detectors are often forbidden at historic sites to protect artifacts, but that can't be the case here. My guess is that hunting night crawlers or searching for metal would lead to damaging the turf of the playing field.

Markus, we have plenty of "thou shalt not" signs in this country. I should probably add a tag for posts of them.

richardplondon said...

I know a similar sign with a big orange "NEVER" at the top, followed by a similar list, all on a white background. The sign is fixed under a sodium streetlight. The moment the sun goes down, and the light comes on, the word "Never" disappears (orange on orange, effectively). But the black text remains clear to see - advocating all kinds of reckless and thoughtless behaviour.

Martina said...

The worms can read???


Carl Weese said...

Richard, nice case of unanticipated outcomes.

Martina, the worms, like most Americans, can only read English...