Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Closing in on It

Woodbury, Connecticut

The order list keeps getting more and more highlighter as labels are printed and packages are shipped. To be fair, also, Click 'N Ship is working correctly today (although you still have to exit after five labels to avoid the system bogging down to second-per-keystroke). Email customer service also got back to me and says they will order a refund of the twice-billed labels from yesterday.

But on another weirdness front, postage rates are crazy. Guess what the most expensive packages have been so far? Great Britain. Postage to England is more than all the way to Australia or Singapore! There's a shipment to Japan coming up so I'll be interested to see if they can wrest the expensive postage prize from British hands.

A set of international packages ready for the trip to the post office. Except for a couple orders on hold it looks as though we'll get everything into the mail tomorrow before leaving for New York. We're going to the Penumbra Foundation Open House, which includes a Center for Alternative Processes Instructors exhibit, which I'm participating in.


James Weekes said...

Just to let you know, my print arrived today, Weds. 10/8, in perfect shape and it's beautiful. It is already at the framers.

Jim. assistant hydrantologist and weed finder.

Carl Weese said...

Jim, thanks for the feedback. I think this package system is nearly bulletproof, but putting nearly a hundred of these packages out across the world makes one worry a little about how they will arrive. Another has been delivered to an apartment in NYC, where USPS left it on top of the mailbox! This is why I am planning to do a short session and make several more prints of each picture, once the lab finishes shipping configuration, to have them for contingency.