Thursday, February 22, 2024

Snow, Three

Waterbury, Connecticut 


Markus said...

Fine rendering of the snowy athmosphere in Waterbury, already in the last post. I like the way you transported those soft colors very much, Carl.

Carl Weese said...

Thanks, Markus. Seeing the city through the softening haze of snow had some interesting effects. Somehow you notice how rather fancy some of the urban architecture is. A reminder that the city many decades ago was a prosperous manufacturing center. Much of that prosperity is gone now that the manufacturing jobs and businesses have moved on, first to the American South and offshore. Maybe there will be some revival with the current US administration's efforts to bring manufacturing and infrastructure efforts back home.

Markus said...

Let's hope that those buildings will get a new life then and not being torn down to be replaced by contemporary non-architecture.

Perhaps it's the snow that intensifies the nostalgic feelings here, but certainly those muted reds from the bricks evoke feelings of the better parts of past - not that I would claim that the past was better. In most aspects it simply wasn't.

Carl Weese said...

The nice commercial and residential buildings seem to be repurposed. Large houses often get divided into multi-family apartments, some of the factory complexes get remade into retail and residential use, but the factories that have contaminated themselves with toxic waste get torn down and slowly cleaned up. One of these over the past year was turned into a pretty fancy small baseball park.