Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A New Online Gallery Set

 Princeton, West Virginia

Recently I've been experimenting with a fairly new Blurb self-publishing product they label "deluxe magazine." My first proof copy of a project looks promising. More about that later. While working on five candidate projects I found that somehow I'd never made one of them into an online gallery at my website. I corrected that this morning and here's a link to the new gallery:



Markus said...

A fine series, Carl. Tranquil, subdued colors, well sequenced - this looks very good.

Carl Weese said...

Thanks Markus. It's a fascinating area and I've had good luck there for a while. Some of the pictures in my "Early Color" gallery (on gallery page two of my site) are from the same general area and towns. Plus a good portion of my large format b&w work in some of the other online galleries.